Investors Currently Earning Outsized Returns in CRE Debt Funds
The dislocation between developer demand for financing and the availability of funds from traditional lenders is driving opportunities for alternative lenders.
Each of the following articles includes this topic.
The dislocation between developer demand for financing and the availability of funds from traditional lenders is driving opportunities for alternative lenders.
Rapid population growth makes Dallas an ideal market for both real estate developers and the real estate debt investors who fund their projects.
With $1.6 trillion in commercial real estate loans coming to maturity, the market is going to experience a refinancing shortfall of epic proportions.
CRE transactions will finally pick up in 2024 as borrowers struggle to refinance their properties, serving as a catalyst for bargain pricing.
After growing their market share from 8% to 34% of loan originations, smaller banks are now retreating, just when borrowers need them the most.
Economic and regulatory events are paving the way for private credit funds and other alternative lenders to gain significant market share from banks.
Learn how less risk, stable returns, and improved diversification make debt investing a smart move for savvy investors.
Lenders, highly vested in the success of both their loans and borrowers, utilize a number of key mitigants to manage the risk of default.
What are the characteristics of a hard money loan, when do they make sense for borrowers, and why are they called “hard?”
Opportunities in the office sector during these truly unprecedented times will likely propel some investors with gumption to much greater success.
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