It’s an Ideal Time to Invest in Commercial Real Estate
As pressure grows for banks and sellers to accept lower market values, look for opportunities to acquire commercial real estate at favorable entry points.
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As pressure grows for banks and sellers to accept lower market values, look for opportunities to acquire commercial real estate at favorable entry points.
The dislocation between developer demand for financing and the availability of funds from traditional lenders is driving opportunities for alternative lenders.
Rapid population growth makes Dallas an ideal market for both real estate developers and the real estate debt investors who fund their projects.
The ongoing surge in demand from baby boomers, significantly unmet by current supply, makes senior housing one of the best investments available in 2024.
Learn how we partnered with a successful multi-family developer, realizing an annualized IRR of 30.4% and an equity multiple of 1.7x for our investors.
If you’re agile enough to be a sponsor on some deals and a lender on others, get ready to have your pick of commercial real estate investment opportunities.
With $1.6 trillion in commercial real estate loans coming to maturity, the market is going to experience a refinancing shortfall of epic proportions.
CRE transactions will finally pick up in 2024 as borrowers struggle to refinance their properties, serving as a catalyst for bargain pricing.
As the full weight of monetary policy is far from yet to be realized, it’s ultimately going to take a recession in 2024 to bring on the Fed pivot.
Here are the second 5 of 10 emerging trends in commercial real estate for 2024, critical issues for investors to anticipate with opportunistic strategy.
The first 5 of 10 emerging trends in commercial real estate for 2024 are critical issues that investor needs to anticipate with opportunistic strategy.
The annual AFIRE survey points to fundamental changes in the office market, deep discounts over the next 12 months, and value-add opportunities galore.
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